How Much is Infant Day Care in the United States?
Many new parents are stopped in their tracks when they discover just how pricey enrolling their baby in day care can be. The cost of infant day care varies dramatically around the country. The average annual cost of day care around the nation ranges from $4,500 to $15,000.
How Much is Infant Day Care Where You Live?
Cities located in New England and parts of Washington, D.C., rank among the most expensive places for receiving child care. Southern states like South Carolina and Mississippi provide the best rates by comparison.
![Taking A Deeper Look at Infant Day Care](
How Much is Infant Day Care Worth Based on Your Salary?
It is important to focus on percentages rather than numbers when working out the cost benefit of infant day care for your specific situation. You should study your budget ahead of time and decide which portion of your single salary or combined income with a spouse or partner should be relegated towards infant day care.
The astounding cost of day care and the rigidity of the business hours of many care centers could make day care an unrealistic or undesirable choice in the long run for some families. Many couples require some serious number crunching to decide if one parent staying home to watch the child is actually more beneficial than paying tuition for full-time infant day care.
The infant day care industry is full of considerate and devoted professionals who make it possible for moms and dads to work while their newborn is looked after. The decision about where to enroll your infant in day care is a highly personal choice that should be made after an intense period of research.