Here’s another reason that you don’t want to overheat in pregnancy ““ When you’re overheated, your body sends blood flow to your skin to help cool you down, and this it diverts some blood flow away from your baby, depriving him or her of much needed oxygen and nutrients.
Safety Tips for Staying Fit in Extreme Heat Conditions
Exercising has many benefits for pregnancy, so if you’re low-risk and your doctor hasn’t warned you against it, you should definitely work out to stay fit. In extreme heat conditions, you will want to find ways to stay cool and keep your body temperature at a normal level.

- Pay attention to the forecast. In the summertime, you’ll want to avoid exercising outside in the heat of the day. Exercise in the morning, when the temperatures are lower and slightly cooler. The temperature outside will begin to climb as the day progresses, and they won’t go back down until the late evening hours.
- Slowly acclimate your body to the extreme heat. When you first start exercising in the heat, take it slow. (Don’t immediately go on a long run in the extreme heat.) As your body starts to get used to the heat over the following weeks, you can increase the intensity and length of your workouts. Find out what feels comfortable for you.
- Stay hydrated during your workouts. Make sure that you get plenty to drink during your workouts. Take scheduled breaks. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty. You are already dehydrated by that point. If you are planning an intense workout, make sure that you drink a sports drink, like Gatorade, rather than water. Sports drink will replenish the sodium, potassium, and chloride that you’ve lost from sweating. Hydration is critical in pregnancy, since it can help prevent urinary tract infections, hemorrhoids, and constipation. In addition, your pregnant body requires all those extra liquids and fluids to keep it running smoothly. So, when exercising, drink lots of water!
- Wear the right clothing. When you’re exercising and staying fit in extreme heat conditions, make sure that you dress properly. Choose lightweight, loose-fitting, and light-colored outfits. Make sure that you slather on the sunscreen, too. Sunburn can cause you to lose bodily fluids faster, which dehydrates you faster.
- Exercise inside on the hottest days. When it’s extremely hot outside, try to exercise inside. Head to the gym, or go for a swim at a local pool. (Swimming is actually one of the best exercises for pregnant women, since it gives you a sensation of weightlessness.)
In addition to exercise, you can stay fit in extreme heat conditions by eating correctly. Make sure that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables with a high water content. This includes watermelons, oranges and other citrus fruits, strawberries, cucumber, tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, cabbage, and other leafy green vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are also plentiful in many vital nutrients and vitamins, so they are good for your baby, too!