3) Watch the Weight Gain
Far too many women gain excessive amounts of weight while pregnant, and this is a sure trigger to getting stretch marks. Instead, follow your doctor’s directions on how much weight to gain. Talk to your doctor about how to avoid gaining excessive weight if this is a concern for you.
4) Eat a Nutritious Diet
This may sound like common sense but many claim that eating a healthy and well balanced diet while pregnant goes a long way to reducing the severity of stretch marks. Foods that are rich in Vitamin C, E, zinc and silica all help form collagen, which is part of what keeps skin soft and supple. Eating a diet rich in these nutrients will help your skin stay healthy and it may then be less prone to getting stretch marks.

Unfortunately, stretch marks can never be totally avoided; if you’re going to get them the best you can do is try to minimize their appearance. After you’ve given birth, you can talk to your doctor about some cosmetic procedures that can lessen the visibility of stretch marks. The good news is that they will fade. What may have been ugly and vivid red marks on your body will fade to a difficult to notice discoloration of your skin; just try to be patient.
Thank-you for reading this post. Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.
What can be done to prevent stretch marks?. (2008, January). Retrieved from http://www.americanpregnancy.org/commondiscomforts/PE-prevent-pregnancy-stretchmarks.html