Diaper Duty New to You?
Wondering how to diaper your newborn? If this is your first baby relax and take a few deep breaths, you will be fine. Diapering is a skill just like riding a bike. It takes some practice, but eventually the skill becomes ingrained in the mind and requires very little thought.
Whether using disposable diapers or clothe diapers, it is all about technique. Showing signs of nervousness will get a parent no where as little babies are very smart and can sense fear. Before starting, get yourself together and do not doubt yourself!

Prepare the setting. Having a place in your home designated for diaper changes is a good idea. Have all the supplies in one place to ensure a smooth transition.
Lie the baby on a flat surface where he or she will not roll off. Even if your baby is immobile, just be safe rather than sorry. While hearing of some new fathers wearing latex gloves or dust masks while changing their baby, there is simple no need to wear these items.