Similarly, in a 2008 study from the University of Sunderland in the United Kingdom, researchers found that memory and attention tests between pregnant and non-pregnant women had no significant difference. Their cognitive skills were comparable.
Many experts argue that cognitive and memory skills don’t change in pregnancy, instead, foggy pregnancy brain most likely stems from other factors ““ like poor sleep, stress or anxiety over this new life change. You may be so distracted by worries about the health of your pregnancy, concerns over whether you’ll be a good mother, or nerves over how a baby will change your life. These factors add to stress, which can add to the fog.

How can I cope with pregnancy brain?
Regardless of what science says, if you are struggling with forgetfulness and memory lapses during your pregnancy, we know it is real to you and it can be extremely frustrating. Get relief with our coping tips below.
- Keep a small notebook. If you find that you easily forget things now that you’re expecting, carry a small notebook or planner in your purse and write down anything that’s important ““ such as meetings or appointments, shopping lists, etc. Don’t rely on your memory alone.
- Use technology to your advantage. Keeping reminders in your Blackberry, iPhone, laptop, or other portable device may help keep you more organized. Don’t shy away from using technology, and look for apps that fit your lifestyle.
- Get more sleep. Although sleeping can be a challenge when you’re pregnant, you can boost your short-term memory if you get more quality sleep. Use a pregnancy pillow to enhance comfort and take naps during the day. The more rested you are, the more alert your mind is. Pregnancy brain may even become a problem of the past once you get enough quality sleep.
- Accept it and forget it. Pregnancy brain affects many women, so have a sense of humor about it and accept that you’ll be a bit of an airhead at times. You will forget things, but that’s part of the journey of pregnancy. Try not to be too hard on yourself since stress will only make your forgetfulness worse.