Treatment of high blood pressure while pregnant is paramount. Pregnant women have the same risk of stroke, heart attack and other complications whether they are pregnant or not. Your health care provider will treat your high blood pressure in the safest way possible for both you and your baby.
Lower BP before Pregnancy

The best way to deal with pregnancy and high blood pressure is to do whatever you can prior to your pregnancy to lower your blood pressure. Losing weight, exercising, and reducing your sodium intake can all help to lower your blood pressure.
Always consult your physician prior to altering or stopping your blood pressure medication. If you wish to become pregnant, let your doctor know ahead of time. If you find out that you’re pregnant while on blood pressure (or any medication) alert your doctor immediately. By maintaining your optimal health prior to becoming pregnant, you give your baby the best possible chance of being born full-term and healthy.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2011, October 21). “Birth Defects May Be Linked To High Blood Pressure, Not Use Of ACE Inhibitors.” Medical News Today. Retrieved from