Concealing The Baby Bump In Style
You’re pregnant. You’re thrilled. But you would seriously rather it not cramp your style. Whether you’re just a couple months in and at the point where nosy coworkers and strangers alike are beginning to glare at your middle wondering if you’ve been foregoing the gym for dessert or if there just might be a bun in that oven of yours. Or in that fun middle stage where it obviously wasn’t dessert and your regular clothes have become your sworn enemy, yet maternity clothes swallow you up and make you look unflattering frumpy. Or, perhaps you’re nearing the end and find yourself quite desperate to both look and feel beautiful again. There are ways to accentuate your positives in each case, while minimizing some of the -grrr- not so positives (cankles be damned!).
Newly pregnant girl“”it’s quite simple, blazers and sweater coats are your new best friends. Toss them on top of dresses and pants alike for stylish concealment. The wise ones will still wonder, but you’ll look chic, so who cares. Invest in a few belly bands should your pants fit a bit too tight, they’ll enable you to wear them longer, YAY! I found myself reaching for everything with an empire waist in the beginning, from tops to dresses (and continue to do so, now in my 3rd trimester). An over-sized statement bag works wonders at hiding your middle quite well too.

Oh 2nd trimester girl- it’s getting a bit more tricky isn’t it? Break down and acquire an assortment of banded elastic waist leggings and skirts””these can be maternity or not, I’ve found, depending upon the size of your bump. It’s probably a good time to go ahead and invest in some true maternity jeans and cargos too””no one has to know just yet, as long as you’re wearing the right top. Which would be a flowing print tunic or an easy A-line or empire waist knit in a longer length. Don’t forget to shop your own closet before you set out on a massive shopping spree. It’s quite possible you’ve
got a few hidden gems in there (am thinking tops and dresses) that will still work as you grow!