Toxoplasmosa can be found wherever cat feces are deposited, including the garden soil and children’s sandboxes. Try to avoid digging in the soil, or use gloves if you are a die-hard gardener. Of course, wash your hands well after working in dirt.
You can contract toxoplasmosis from eating undercooked meat, so cook all meat thoroughly and wash countertops and other kitchen utensils well after they come into contact with raw meat.

Your Cat and New Baby
You can do a few things to make the transition to a new baby easier on your cat.
Though hard in the beginning, try to give your cat lots of attention, cuddling and play time once you bring the new baby home. Just as it’s an adjustment for you, give your cat some time to get used to the new addition. Make introductions slowly and teach your pet and your baby how to interact with each other.
You should never leave your baby with animals unattended. Even the most tame and well-behaved animal””cat or dog””shouldn’t be trusted around your baby. An animal can’t understand that its playfulness could endanger the health or life of your child, and your baby isn’t able to defend himself from your pet’s claws and teeth.