Administering Medicine to Your Baby can be Frightening
Giving medicine to baby can be down right frightening. Between a squirmy baby and his potential tears, any new parent could use some help when administering medicine. Most of the time medicine is needed when a baby does not feel well and is sick. A sick baby is of course not usually a happy one. With this said, relax and rest assured there are a few tricks to use to make this situation easy for everyone.
- First depending on the size of your baby, lie him on your lap on his back. It will prevent the baby from squirming and gives any parents an edge on keeping the baby in one place. Squirt medicine in the side of your baby’s mouth while he is lying on his back. Gently squeeze his cheeks together, to get a pucker, in order to get him to swallow. This will not hurt them but encourage the baby to swallow the medication.
- Ask your pharmacy if there are flavor options for medication. Some large retailers offer a number of yummy flavors to encourage your child to take their medicine with ease.
- When you pick up the medication from the pharmacy ask for a syringe that is specifically designed for administering medicine to an infant or baby. A syringe will help avoid any spillage and make it a tiny bit easier to get the correct dose in your child’s mouth.
- Check to see if the medication can be mixed with any food or beverage. Adding medication into some oatmeal or yogurt is a great way to disguise the medication. Sometimes the whole process is more upsetting than the actual medicine. Just double check that whatever you are administering can be combined with another ingredient.
- Use distraction. If your child can sit up in a bathtub, give your baby their medicine in the tub. Water is calming for most little ones, so it is a calm and fun place to be.
- Special products are made to help parents give medicine to babies. Items like pacifiers designed specifically to administer medicine are also helpful. Designed with a special reservoir to place the medicine, the pacifier works like usual and the baby simply sucks it out.
Try one of these tips or run down the list. Once a parent gets the hang of it and figures out what their baby prefers, giving medicine to a baby is a piece of cake.

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