As for all women attempting a pregnancy, eating healthy foods, exercising (unless advised by the doctor not to), and finding effective stress management techniques are essential.
Women (or men) who are experiencing symptoms of depression (lack of appetite, insomnia, sleeping or eating too much, feelings of sadness of hopelessness) should speak with a counselor or psychologist to help them cope with these feelings.

3) Will it happen again?
The good news is that having a miscarriage one time will not increase your chances of having a miscarriage the next time around. In most cases, women who have had a prior miscarriage, or even two, do eventually go on to deliver healthy babies. Unfortunately though, there are medical conditions that can keep a woman from carrying her pregnancy to term. Women who continue to have miscarriages should speak with their doctor or be evaluated by an infertility doctor. In these situations, having a repeat miscarriage is likely.
In the event that this happens again, ask your doctor about having the tissue analyzed for genetic abnormalities. It may give the doctor some information about why this is happening. Medical treatment might be necessary to help you carry your pregnancy to term, but is often quite successful.
Have you gotten pregnant after a miscarriage? Share your story and thoughts in the comments below!