5) Feeding
Many mothers transition from breast to bottle feeding during the first year. If you’re considering making the switch always check the temperature of the formula before feeding the infant. It is so easy to burn them with overly hot formula, especially during bleary-eyed late night feedings.
6) Pets
Many parents set a blanket down on the ground in a safe area and let the baby roll around on it. If you have pets, however, never leave the baby alone with the pet. Even the most good natured pets can become nasty if the baby gets a fistful of fur.

Keeping a baby safe as they transition from newborn to infant requires common sense. Just remember that infants are curious, and they’ll put anything into their mouths that they can grab. If you think that the infant is in an unsafe position or place, then remove them or the item until they can safely explore their environment once again.
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