Infants are Considered a Month or Older
Babies are called newborns if they are less than a month old, and infants are generally considered to be older than a month, but less than a year of age. Every parent knows that there are certain safety precautions to be taken when bringing home a newborn baby, but there are certain safety issues to consider when your newborn becomes an infant.

1) Sleeping
Parents often opt for a bassinet for newborns, but infants can be moved into a crib for their sleeps. Always place infants on their back while sleeping, and remove any loose bedding from the crib. Always follow manufacturers instructions for cribs, and resist filling the crib with toys and other loose items. Use a soft bumper around the crib only until the infant begins to pull herself up, and then remove it.
2) Bathing
Once the cord falls off the newborn, usually around 2 to 4 weeks, the baby can be bathed in a baby bathtub. Be sure to follow all safety precautions listed by the manufacturer. There is no right or wrong baby bathtub; always use a tub on the floor or inside a full-size bathtub. Be careful removing wet babies; they are slippery and squirmy!
3) Rolling Over
Infants typically begin rolling over around four months of age. Always be sure you have a safe changing table with a contoured changing pad that makes rolling over difficult. Many of these pads come with a safety strap; use the strap to keep your infant from rolling off the pad.
4) Car Seat
Your infant may outgrow their first car seat during their first year, or they may be ready for a larger one when they turn a year old. Car seat recommendations and guidelines vary from state to state; carefully research your area’s guidelines. A general rule of thumb, however, is to keep them in a rear facing car seat for as long as possible. This is the safest place for your infant.