First Symptoms of Pregnancy
A woman notices the first symptoms of pregnancy in the first few weeks after she has conceived. The symptoms can be confusing as they often mimic other conditions, which can lead to anxiety in women anxiously waiting for the good news of a successful conception. The symptoms that are commonly associated with pregnancy can lead a woman to pay closer attention to what her body is telling her so that she can be aware of other symptoms as they occur. When a woman recognizes the first signs that she may be pregnant and seeks medical confirmation she can receive early prenatal care which is vital to the well-being of her unborn baby and for her own good health during and after the pregnancy.
Photo Credit: by Jade&Hearts

The symptoms most commonly associated with pregnancy include nausea, vomiting and breast tenderness. Unfortunately nausea and vomiting are also symptoms associated with the flu and breast tenderness can occur just before a woman starts her monthly menstruation. Women trying to conceive often obsess over every little sensation felt in the nipple and breast area during the 2 weeks past ovulation. Tender and/or swollen breasts are the most often-reported pregnancy symptoms that professionals caring for pregnant women hear as these women nervously ask for a urine or blood pregnancy test. Nausea can happen alone or be accompanied by vomiting. Vomiting associated with pregnancy is usually referred to as “morning sickness”.
First Few Weeks of Pregnancy
In the first few weeks of pregnancy, a woman may feel more tired than usual even to the point of describing how she feels, as being fatigued. Many women claim that in the first few weeks of pregnancy they can’t seem to get enough sleep because no matter how many naps they take or how early they go to bed the fatigue still troubles them.
During the first few weeks of pregnancy cravings or food aversions may crop up causing a woman to suspect that she may be pregnant. Common food aversions that are most likely to strike someone in early pregnancy include fried foods or foods that have strong odors to them. Some women have reported that the smell of coffee makes them gag even if they have always loved the smell of coffee.