A few professional photographers who specialize in newborn photography include:
- Footprints Photography in Ann Arbour, Michigan (footprintsphototgraphy.com)- Erin Drallous is an award winning photographer. She is influenced by her faith in God and the miracles she sees in every child. Erin is the founder of The American Child Photographer’s Charity Guild, an organization designed to help children and families in need. She beautifully captures pictures of newborns, as well as mothers or fathers and their babies and siblings.
- Ema Photography in New Jersey (newbornphotographer.com) – Carrie Steffe is an award winning newborn photographer that has been seen on TLC’s A Baby Story. As a mom herself, she knows how quickly the newborn moments pass. Carrie’s work captures those precious newborn moments with pictures of your baby alone and with his or her siblings and parents.
- Kimberly Wylie Photography in Dallas, Texas (kimberlywylie.com)- An award-winning studio that has 10 years of experience in children’s photography. They take the time to create timeless and beautiful pictures of your new baby and family. They will also help you design albums, announcements and holiday cards.
- Jazi Photography in Whitby, Ontario (jaziphototgraphy.com)- A husband and wife team who have two children. They specialize in newborn photography, as well as wedding and family photography. Joe is a professional photographer and Katrina is an artist who adds a creative touch. They capture beautiful pictures of newborns.
- Bouncin’ Baby Photography in Utah (bouncinbabyphotography.com/)- They capture beautiful newborn pictures that are customized the way you want.
Thank-you for reading this post. Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Locurto, A, & Arthur, A. (n.d.). 7 tips for newborn pictures . Retrieved from http://www.iheartfaces.com/2011/02/newborn-photography-tips/
Tips from a professional. (2011, July 13). Retrieved from http://bouncinbaby.wordpress.com/2011/07/13/tips-from-a-professional-newborn-photographer/
5 tips for newborn pictures. (2011, April 3). Retrieved from http://www.jaziphotography.com/tips-tricks/5-tips-on-getting-ready-for-your-newborn-photography-session/
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