Newborn Babies are Precious!
Newborn babies are precious, and the time they are tiny truly goes by so fast. Having professional photos taken of your bundle of joy will help you capture those special moments. To make sure you have plenty of pictures of your little blessing, to send in announcements or just to have at home, follow a few tips.

Do Your Research
The best time to start planning your newborns’ photo shoot is while you are still pregnant. Call a few different photographers in your area and discuss topics including fees and the photographer’s availability. Ask to see the photographer’s portfolio, so you know they have experience taking pictures of newborn babies. Ask the photographer if he or she is willing to come to your home or if sessions are only done in the studio. A professional photographer will take the time to answer your questions and make both you and your baby as comfortable as possible.
Schedule the Session Early
Most professionals recommend the session take place within 10 days of the baby’s birth. It won’t be long before your adorable newborn grows into a cute toddler who is constantly on the move.
Keep Your Baby Content
Make sure your baby has nursed or had a bottle before the session starts. Babies also need warmth and to feel secure. Consider keeping the room warmer than usual, and keep your baby swaddled before taking pictures. Babies can often be calmed by white noise. Buy special CD’s or download white noise apps to play while the session is taking place. Little ones thrive on touch, so stay close and comfort your baby in between photos.
Be Prepared
Messes can happen, from a leaky diaper to spit-up, so stay prepared with extra changes of clothing and swaddling blankets for your little one. Also remember to pack extra wipes and diapers.