Local Prenatal Clinics
Visiting a doctor or local prenatal clinic for fertility testing is an
important step for couples who find that they are unable to conceive after
several months of trying. Although the experience can be nerve-wracking,
fertility specialists are often able to pinpoint the exact problem that is
preventing pregnancy, which can help couples learn about various changes they
need to make in order for conception to take place. If you’re having problems
conceiving, here are some things you should know about the different types of
fertility testing.
Over-the-Counter Fertility Tests

Over-the-counter fertility tests can be taken in the privacy of your own home
and will provide a ballpark timeframe of when you are most likely to be fertile.
This is a great idea for couples who haven’t been trying for long and may have
simply missed that blessed window of opportunity. A diary should be kept of all
the dates and attempts made, as this will serve as an educational tool for the
doctor if a visit is in fact needed.
Men and Women Should be Tested
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