Many homes in the Shanxi province burn coal in the home for heating and cooking purposes, and pesticides are heavily relied upon to protect crops. While the environmental conditions are much worse in Shanxi compared to the United States, they are similar to conditions in the U.S. about 100 years ago.
Environmental Birth Defects: Pollutants Kill Cells

This study shows that these environmental pollutants kill cells, cells that are crucial to the development of a healthy baby. It has been known for many years that the pollution in China is contributing detrimentally to the health of newborn babies. According to some reports, every 30 seconds, a Chinese baby is born with some form of physical abnormality. Chemical waste has long been thought to be the primary cause, but Finnella’s study delves deeper, showing that there is more than just chemical waste to blame.
Studies like this are integral to environmentalists and the Chinese government. In order for the Chinese to understand the enormity and severity of the solution, hard facts and evidence such as those supplied by this study, are imperative.
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Resources on Environmental Birth Defects and Pollutants:
University of Texas at Austin. (2011, October 21). “Environmental Pollutants Linked To A 450 Percent Increase In Risk Of Birth Defects.” Medical News Today. Retrieved from
Chen Jia. (2009, January 31). “Birth Defects Soar Due to Pollution.” China Daily. Retrieved from