A fun way for parents to spend quality time with kids is by creating edible crafts. These types of projects inspire children’s creativity while helping them understand the basics of cooking and working in the kitchen. Best of all, the crafts can be eaten when they are finished. Ideas for edible crafts for kids follow below.
Edible Crafts: Yummy Play Dough
Edible play dough is a fun way for kids to make shapes and figures. They will also learn the basics of making dough and rolling it out for cutting and shaping. The play dough recipe calls for one cup of almond butter, three tablespoons of honey, and powdered milk.

The honey and almond butter can be combined in a bowl, with powdered milk added until the play dough is not sticky.
Edible Crafts: Grilled Cheese Letters
Another great idea for edible crafts is making grilled cheese letters. This helps children learn the alphabet while making a delicious treat. All that is needed are letter cookie cutters, bread, butter and cheese.
Letters should be cut out in pairs while butter heats in the skillet. One letter is placed in the pan, covered in cheese and then covered by the second letter. Kids can form whole words before eating the letter sandwiches.