The key to perfect Easter birth announcements is, simply put, to have fun. The holiday – and your birth – is a tremendously joyous time, so don’t think too deeply into your presentation, etc. Easter birth announcements should be light-spirited and sweet.

- Guess what’s hatching! Me! Send Easter holiday cards to relatives and friends wishing them a happy spring holiday and include a message with your due date and exciting news. Holiday cards make a perfect vehicle for Easter birth announcements.
- Table favors. If you’re hosting Easter brunch, lunch or dinner, create place-setting favors with the message that at this time next year as a means of expressing your Easter birth announcements.
- Big brothers & sisters. Help your older children get excited about the new baby’s arrival by stuffing their Easter baskets with cute message T-shirts that read “This Little Chick Has An Easter Secret” or “I’m going to be a big brother!”
- It’s a girl! If you know your unborn baby’s gender, dye a bunch of hard-boiled eggs all blue or all pink and use a stencil set to write the message: It’s a boy!
- Egg hunt. Get everyone in on a good old-fashion Easter egg hunt. Stuff plastic eggs with your Easter birth announcement. If you are having multiples, stuff the eggs with two, three or more egg candies.
- Body paint. OK, if you go Mariah and paint the message on your belly, take a picture and post a link to the photo in our comment section below.
Loved these Easter birth announcement ideas? Be sure to keep browsing our selection of adorable pregnancy, maternity and motherhood tips at
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