When asked how having a baby with Down syndrome is different, Jennifer replied, “At this stage, there is not that much difference other than what is brought on by his lack of muscle tone. There are some feeding differences – you hold him differently. We have to be more aware of how we introduce new things. We have been lucky that there have not been any surgeries or invasive treatments needed thus far. Twins are busy… we are just a little extra busy.”
The Twins will be Turning 1

The babies are still young; they’ll celebrate their first birthday in February, 2012. Despite giving birth not many months ago, Jennifer has become a strong advocate for Down syndrome awareness. Coincidentally, October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month.
Jennifer is: “…determined that he (Wyatt) will live a normal life and he will achieve as much as he can. That will mean scraped knees and knowing that not all people are nice. I love my son, always have and always will. I am no longer sad for what he will not be; rather I am happy for what he is: a darling, happy baby boy.” To Jennifer and her family, Wyatt is just as perfect and precious as his twin sister and older brother.
Jennifer chronicles her family’s adventures with twins and Down syndrome on her blog: http://downwitdat.blogspot.com/
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Logan, J. Down wit dat [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://downwitdat.blogspot.com/
Down syndrome. (2010, February 10). Retrieved from http://children.webmd.com/tc/down-syndrome-topic-overview