And heck, I’m a bit guilty of doing the same, although my “pop star” was big in the early ’90s, not here in the U.S., but in the UK. So that doesn’t count, right?
Then of course, there are those of you that lovingly honor a living or diseased family member by naming your baby after your great aunt or your own father. That’s endearing and sweet, really. No, I am serious, it is. Silly old me went the ’90s pop star route, remember?

Discovering Baby Names is Serious Business
Discovering sources for baby names is serious business. But no matter what name(s) you land on, bizarre or sentimental, you’ll end up loving your child just the same. And well, hope their fellow classmates don’t find a way to turn it into something horrible once they’re school age, like hairy Carrie or odd Todd.
Let us recap, some great and not so great sources for naming baby””good old baby name books, following pop stars, choosing something timely and historical or choosing a name that honors a family member. How did you personally choose your child’s name? In case you were wondering, Liam (after the singer from the Brit pop band, Oasis) Christoph (aw, a family name!) Beyer should be making his great debut sometime late July or early August. Oh and Liam means strong-willed warrior.
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