How to Donate Cord Blood
Because of the extreme debates that are going on regarding stem cells, finding a facility that accepts cord blood banking can be a difficult task. However, it is important to ensure that if you are planning to donate cord blood, you are at a location that specializes in the procedure. Often hospitals and clinics that are a part of the cord blood banking program do not advertise their services to avoid any hassle with those who object to stem cell research. Those interested in donating can contact the Cord Blood Registry (CBR) for locations that are closest to them.
For any family, the decision to become a part of cord blood banking is a difficult one. There are a number of factors that should be considered during this process, but ultimately the choice of whether donating cord blood is right for your family, is completely up to you. Cord blood banking can be an extremely useful part of society, and should be known as a way to help treat life threatening diseases. It can, however, also help research needed to find a cure to these diseases.

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