What are the Costs of International and Domestic Infant Adoption?

A significant and variable portion of the fees associated with international adoption is the fee charged by the infant’s birth country.  For example, Korea charges potential parents approximately $13,000, while Romania charges only about $7,000.  These fees are in addition to the one charged by the agency you are working with.  Some countries, like China, may also ask for a significant donation to the orphanage where the infant is from.  This can add up to several thousand dollars.

Don’t forget to include travel fees into your budget.  Costs, of course, vary from season to season and country to country.  In addition to airfare, you’ll need to include your hotel and food expenses.  Some countries even require multiple visits before an infant adoption can be finalized.

And finally, you’ll need to account for the cost of an international attorney, the cost of filing the paperwork and the cost of applying for a visa. The Adoption Guide has a tremendous amount of information about international adoption on their site as well.

Whether you decide to adopt an infant internationally or domestically, budgeting will be a huge part of your plan.  Do your research ahead of time so the expenses don’t surprise you.

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