There are so Many Plausible Sounding Myths About Conception
For couples that are having a difficult time conceiving, any bit of news or advice can be welcome. Unfortunately, there are so many plausible sounding myths and old wives’ tales about conception that couples may just end up more confused, frustrated and stressed. Stress is the last thing you want when trying to conceive a baby, but it happens all too often when helpful suggestions don’t work. The following are five of the most common myths about trying to conceive.

1) Myth: Having intercourse every day will increase your chances of getting pregnant.
The truth: A woman is most fertile when she’s ovulating, and based on a 28 day cycle, this is during the 11th to 17th day of her cycle. Studies have found that there is no difference in conceiving if you have sex only while fertile or daily. There are a variety of ovulation tools on the market which can help you determine when you’re most fertile. Of course, there’s no harm in trying every day, just don’t think that by having sex every day you’re increasing your chances.
2) Myth: Already having one child makes conceiving a second easier.
The truth: Every pregnancy is different; just because you had one child makes no difference on how fertile you’ll be for the second. A variety of factors can influence how fertile you are, including age, illness, disease, smoking and weight. The best way to give yourself the best chance at conceiving is to be as healthy as possible.
3)Myth: Being young and healthy means you won’t have any fertility issues.
The truth: Infertility is more common than you might think; some studies have reported that one out of six couples will experience some fertility issue. Fertility problems are not age or sex related; there is no way of knowing that you will have any fertility issues until you’ve been unsuccessfully trying for months.