When visitors arrive at your house, be sure to take their coats or jackets and put them away (not in the nursery). Outerwear like this can carry in all sorts of germs from the outside world. Do not let anyone hold your newborn while wearing their coat.
Remember to wash your hands frequently. Although you may be healthy and show no signs of flue or a cold, try to make a habit out of washing hands often to keep away germs. If there are other children in the house teach them to wash their hands before touching the baby or playing with the toys.

Getting a flu shot is recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention for all pregnant and non women. Protecting yourself may be the best way to protect your newborn. All members of the family should have a flu shot in order to decrease the chance of your household being hit with the virus. Your newborn is too young to receive a flu shot, but if you protect yourself and family members then your baby will be less likely to get the flu. Prevention is key.