A Pediatrician is the Most Important Doctor You Hire
Besides choosing a health care provider for prenatal care, a pediatrician may be the single most important doctor you hire. Caring for you newborn and child as he or she grows is a big responsibility and selecting the right doctor is important.

The American Academy of Pediatrics can supply you with names of board-certified pediatricians in your community through the Find a Pediatrician tool.
To find a list of potential candidates, ask around. Find out who family and friends take their children to and why. Ask what they like about their child’s doctor and what they do not like. Call each doctor on the list and let the receptionist know that you are searching for a pediatrician. Some larger and busy practices will hold information sessions for expectant parents to attend while other doctors will charge a fee for a one on one appointment. During either one of these sessions be sure to ask everything that you want.
Among the sea of child centered health care providers, narrow down the choices by asking some important questions. The answers may vary from pediatrician to pediatrician, but when you like the answers you hear, that will be your man, or woman!
A List of Questions for Your Perspective Pediatrician