Charlotte and Liam are the Top Baby Names of 2011, According to

Almost every year, there is an increase in popularity of certain baby names thanks to pop culture figures. Names from the Twilight series have suddenly found themselves at the top of the ranks, while some mothers are choosing to name their children after other celebrity babies.

According to a recent report from, the top names for 2011 were Liam for a boy and Charlotte for a girl. These figures come from a poll of more than half a million members of the website.

Jennifer Moss, founder and CEO for the website, said that one of the reasons for Charlotte could be because of the Sex and the City character. Moss also noted that names that have a prevalence in Hollywood nurseries are also climbing the charts.

"Neil Patrick Harris, Tiffani Thiessen and the Beckhams all chose the name Harper for their baby girls, and now the name is in the top ten," she said. She added that she wouldn't be surprised if the name didn't continue to climb to the top spot in the future.

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