Infant Care

5 Strategies for Coping With Colic

Cry Baby Cry When a baby cries for several hours and the usual methods of feeding or changing diapers do little to help the baby, parents may become concerned that something else is wrong. Colic  Read Full Article...

Your Baby’s Cold – When to Call the Pediatrician

Baby's First Cold Your baby has her first cold. What do you do? First, relax as it will be the first of many colds to come. A few simple tricks will help ease your baby's discomfort and  Read Full Article...

Can Babies Get Acne?

Babies Get Acne Too It is true, babies get acne too.  It is also very common for a baby to have acne  or skin irritation. This kind of acne is different and usually temporary. While  Read Full Article...

Great Cold Weather Tips for Babycare – Bathing and Dry Skin

Babies Need Special Care During Colder Months During the colder months even babies need special care. Like most adult, babies have sensitive skin that requires protection from the elements.  Cold air can dry out skin  Read Full Article...

Colds and Flu Alert: Keeping your Newborn and Infant Safe

Cold and Flu Season Vs Baby It can be scary  having a baby during the colder months that are notorious for being cold and flu season.  While protecting your newborn against a cold and the  Read Full Article...

How to Travel by Air with Your Baby

Now it is Your Baby Crying on the Plane Couples who are going on their very first vacation with a baby often look back fondly on the days when they were annoyed by other people's children,  Read Full Article...

Study: Breastfeeding Could Prevent Asthma Development

Link Between Breastfeeding and Asthma A recent report, conducted by researchers from Generation R Study at the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, found evidence that if a mother breastfeeds her infant for the first  Read Full Article...

Nursing vs. Formula: What Should You Consider?

Choosing Breast or Bottle-fed Choosing whether a newborn child should be breast or bottle-fed is an extremely difficult and personal decision that each and every woman has to make for herself - but while the  Read Full Article...

Mothers with Breastfeeding Trouble at Risk for Depression?

Link Between Postpartum Depression and Breastfeeding Researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill recently discovered a link between new mothers who are having trouble breastfeeding and postpartum depression. "We found that women  Read Full Article...