Baby’s 12

Top 4 Options for Finding Quality Daycare for Multiples

You Too Can Find Quality Daycare Finding daycare for multiples can be tricky. While some providers are uncertain about the challenges of taking on multiples and may refuse, the cost alone can be prohibitive. So  Read Full Article...

Premature Infants with Abnormal Brain Ultrasound may indicate Mental Disorders

New Research On Premature Infants Reveals Interesting Correlation A recent study conducted by Columbia University Medical Center researchers discovered a correlation between premature babies who have multiple abnormal brain ultrasounds and psychiatric disorders later in  Read Full Article...

2 Important Tips For New Parents Facing Diaper Duty

Diaper Duty Got You Down? Although it may sound like a simple task, changing the diaper of a newborn can be daunting for new parents who have never practiced on a living, breathing being before.  Read Full Article...

Store and Handle Breastmilk Like a Pro

Do You Have Questions on How to Store Breastmilk? New mothers often have questions regarding how to store and handle breastmilk properly. Human milk must be handled carefully to retain its nutrients and anti-infective properties.  Read Full Article...

baby furniture recall

Warning: How to Find the Latest Nursery/Baby Equipment Recalls

It is important for consumers to check the baby furniture and equipment in their home, to ensure that there are no recalls associated with the product. When buying something new, most stores do remove items  Read Full Article...