So, is there any middle ground on how to merge the two? We think so.
Go Part Time
Talk to your employer about a reduced work schedule. Someone at your current job might like to go full time or need extra hours and could divide your work. It can be a win-win for all parties involved.

Extended Maternity Leave
Most women take six to 12 weeks to adjust to the new baby. If your employer agrees, it can be extended. Certain industries have slow times of the year. It might be wise to schedule your pregnancy during a time when you know you would have fewer or reduced hours. For example, a teacher might try to work her maternity leave plus summer vacation together for extra bonding time with her family.
Job Sharing
Job sharing with another working mother could benefit both moms and the company. Each woman can do the part of the job she excels at and give her employer better quality work. The two women communicate via e-mail and phone to make sure they are on the same page.
Go Back to School
Sometimes a new baby is just the thing that will kick a woman into self-exploration. She might find that she doesn’t like her field and would like to go back to school. Universities and other schools offer flexible schedules that most employers don’t. You might qualify for Pell Grants and student loans.
More workers are able to do their work from home because of the expanding availability of computers and high-speed Internet. A mother can do her work while her child is sleeping or even later in the day when someone can help out more. This saves time in traveling that can better be spent on working. A disadvantage is that sometimes it is hard to concentrate when you look around your home and see the millions of things that need to be done.
How did you make the switch from management to motherhood? Post your tips here!