Stuffed Toys
Babies love textures, and there’s nothing more pleasing to them then the feel of softness. This is the age when babies can develop a fondness for stuffed animals. Just be sure that the stuffed toys don’t have any buttons, plastic eyes or other small bits that can be removed and accidentally swallowed.
Play Mats
Some babies love being on their bellies, while others do not. You can make belly time more fun for your baby by placing them on a play mat. These mats are soft and colorful; some have sewn in flaps, toys and other things that can be played with. Many play mats also have sewn hooks on the side to which you can hang some of your baby’s favorite toys.

Babies love to play. As they play they learn to interact with the world around them. They learn to associate sounds with objects and how to manipulate them. When they are between 3 and 6 months of age they will love playing with toys that they can grab and move. Just make sure that any toys you give the baby are safe; they should have no removable small parts and should have no sharp edges.
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