Make sure that you nibble on snacks throughout the day, since this can lessen your nausea. When there’s nothing in your belly, your stomach acids don’t have anything to digest so they’ll begin to gnaw at your stomach lining. This can make you feel even more nauseous than before. To prevent this from happening, snack on carbohydrates or high-protein foods. These foods may lessen your morning sickness symptoms.
Try Ginger Tea or Candy

When you’re dealing with morning sickness at work, and you’re feeling quite nauseous, brew yourself a cup of ginger tea. Numerous scientific studies have proven that ginger has powerful anti-nausea properties. If you don’t like tea, try nibbling on ginger candies or ginger snaps.
Wear Acupressure Wrist Bands
If you’re looking for an easy way to deal with morning sickness, consider buying acupressure wrist bands and wearing them while you work. Although traditionally used to cure motion sickness, some pregnant women get relief from their nausea with these acupressure wrist bands.
Acupressure wrist bands alleviate your nausea by applying pressure to the “pericardium 6″ (p6) point on your wrist. You can find this product at your local pharmacy for under $10.
Discuss Your Pregnancy with Your Boss
If your morning sickness symptoms are severe enough that they’re interfering with your work, you may need to discuss your pregnancy with your boss or supervisor. You don’t want to get penalized if your boss thinks that you’re slacking off.
Not ready to make that big leap? Dealing with morning sickness at work can be easier if you inform your co-workers that you’re pregnant. Caring co-workers can cover for you when you have to run off to the bathroom.