3) Decorate the Room
Decorating baby’s room is an important ritual in welcoming a new baby into the family. You can choose paint or wallpaper that suits the theme of your room, and select wall hangings or other items of interest to compliment the theme. Just make sure that anything you hang on the wall isn’t within reach of a curious baby. If you decide to paint the room do so several weeks in advance of the arrival of the baby to make sure that the room has sufficient time to air out.
4) Stock the Room
Babies need quite a variety of items in order to keep them healthy, happy and comfortable. Essentials for the nursery include: diapers and wipes, lotions, blankets, crib sheets, changes of clothing, a sound machine, night light and mobile. Having all these things in place before you bring baby home will help make the transition smoother.

Preparing the nursery for baby should be a relaxing and fun exercise. Let your imagination roam; create a nursery for your baby that is a pleasure to spend time in because chances are good that you will indeed be spending a fair bit of time